Migraines are typically unilateral or one sided with a throbbing or boring pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, mood changes, fatigue, or photophobia. Migraines occur more often in women.
Cluster headaches are also one sided, very painful ache that recurs once or twice daily for several weeks with a pain-free month to follow. These mostly occur in men. Other headaches are milder and can be treated with over-the-counter pain medications usually.
- Consuming four to eight- 8 ounce portions (at least 32 oz. total) of water per day can keep you hydrated and cause you to have fewer headaches and less fatigue, with more concentration.
. - Studies have linked overweight people with more headaches (25 percent more likely and at least 10 to 15 days per month). Many are caused by blood-vessel inflammation.
. - Working on a computer all day can cause your focusing system to get stuck at this distance, making it hard at the end of the day to see well at a distance. Give your eyes a break every 20-30 minutes–look out the window, down the hall, or hand-deliver email.
. - Women with chronic headaches may have symptoms of clinical depression. Symptoms include concentration problems, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, and lost interest in things you once loved. Tell your primary care doctor about any other signs other than headaches.
. - There are many food “triggers” for migraines or headaches, such as red wine, licorice, cheese, chocolate, aspartate, citrus fruits and many others. Other non-food “triggers” are stress, light, excitement, medicines and hormonal fluctuations. Identify and avoid your trigger.
. - Women are three times more likely to suffer from migraines. Men are more likely to suffer from cluster headaches.
Why it’s Important to Get Regular Eye Exams
Comprehensive eye exams often are the first way chronic systemic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes are detected. Regular eye exams are the best way to ensure eye health and maintaining your best vision possible. They also check for diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.